Picture the scene if you will. It is 10.30 am on a March Monday morning, and I am sitting out in the garden catching the warmth of the sun’s rays and enjoying a ristretto made with our new coffee machine, when I suddenly realise that I have completely forgotten to prepare a dish for tonight’s evening meal. Okay, that may not be a problem for some, but I know that I am perilously forgetful and I had no idea what food we had in the house.
We had just finished a very busy weekend and shopping had not been on our list of things to do so the fridge was looking rather empty, but as fortune had it we had bought some chicken breasts the previous Friday that would be perfect if only I knew what to do with them. I found so many recipe choices online, but knowing that our kitchen cupboards were also terribly bare I needed a dish that required few other ingredients. To the rescue came realhousemoms.com with a wonderfully simple slow cooker recipe for honey garlic chicken that needed just 5 simple, common ingredients, so into the kitchen I headed, after finishing my coffee of course!
I’m a huge fan of my slow cooker despite its age and appearance and I tend to use it at least once a week. I find almost all meat cuts cook to perfection in it and with this recipe my girlfriend remarked that it was almost as if the meat was being marinated as it cooked, which is most probably the case.

I adapted the recipe from Real Housemoms a little to suit my tastes, but my full gratitude goes to Aubrey Cota for sharing the recipe in the first place. Being European, I don’t use cup sizes so I adjusted (and lowered a little) the quantities. I also added a couple of other ingredients, as is my want!
Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Chicken
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 3 tablespoons ketchup
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 4 large cloves of garlic, chopped or crushed
- Pinch of paprika
- A few mixed herbs
- Dash of Worcestershire sauce (optional)
- Dash of Tabasco sauce (optional)
- Place the chicken breasts aside for a moment and mix together all the remaining ingredients in a bowl. A whisk works well.
- Spoon a little of the mix onto the bottom of the slow cooker crock pot and spread around. Place the chicken breasts on top of the thin layer of paste mix.
- Poor the remaining mixture over the chicken, ensuring that all of the chicken is covered with the delicious goo!
- Cook on low for 6 to 7 hours or on high for approx. 3 to 4 hours or until chicken is done. I used a combination of ‘auto’ and low settings and it took about 6 hours.
We served our honey garlic chicken with a risotto made by my partner. She makes it so well and it tasted lovely.
This is definitely a recipe to make again and again, especially as it uses so few ingredients. It’s simple and flavoursome cooking – try it yourself today!